Divide and conquer algorithms

Communication 1

Swapping lectures:

  • 12/12/18: Organising information: graphs
  • 14/12/18: Backtracking algorithms

Communication 2

Please, in your answers to the various exercises online, if you have to write a Python code, be sure that the correct indent is preserved by previewing your post before to publish it

You can use the ``` environment for defining your Python code:

write your Python code here

Communication 3

When you test your function, please use different, even unusual, situations

Writing the right tests is very important since, as you know, it would allow you to catch specific wrong behaviours of the algorithm in presence of specific input values

However, to use only one example to test a function is not enough

Try to test your function by using different kinds of inputs, including the unusual ones, e.g. empty list, lists in which some elements are repeated

Any question about the previous lecture?

Historic hero: John von Neumann

He was a computer scientist, mathematicians, and physicists

Several contribution in quantum mechanics, game theory, and self-replicating machines

Von Neumann architecture: guidelines for building physical electronic computers, included in the document written by John von Neumann for defining the main design principles of the EDVAC, the binary-based successor of the ENIAC

Immutable and mutable values


Immutable by value

def add_one(n):
    n = n + 1
    return n

my_num = 41
print(my_num)  # 41

result = add_one(my_num)
print(my_num)  # 41
print(result)  # 42

Mutable by reference

def append_one(l):
    return l

my_list = list()
print(my_list)  # list([2])

result = append_one(my_list)
print(my_list)  # list([2, 1])
print(result)  # list([2, 1])

Divide and conquer approach

Divide and conquer algorithm is based on four steps

  1. [base case] address directly if it is an easy-to-solve problem, otherwise

  2. [divide] split the input material into two or more balanced parts, each depicting a sub-problem of the original one

  3. [conquer] run the same algorithm recursively for every balanced parts obtained in the previous step

  4. [combine] reconstruct the final solution of the problem by means of the partial solutions

Advantages: usually quicker than brute force

Disadvantages: recursion must be defined carefully

Merge sort

Computational problem: sort all the items in a given list

Merge sort was proposed by John von Neumann in 1945

It implements a divide a conquer approach for sorting elements in a list

It is more efficient than the insertion sort

It needs an ancillary function:
def merge(left_list, right_list)

It combines two ordered input lists together so as to return a new list which contains all the elements in the input lists ordered

Merge: description

Merge: description

Merge: description

Merge: description

Merge: description

Merge: description

Merge: algorithm

​def merge(left_list, right_list):
    result = list()
    while len(left_list) > 0 and len(right_list) > 0:
        left_item = left_list[0]
        right_item = right_list[0]

        if left_item < right_item:


    return result

Merge sort: steps

  1. [base case] if the input list has only one element, return the list as it is, otherwise

  2. [divide] split the input list into two balanced halves, i.e. containing almost the same number of elements each

  3. [conquer] run recursively the merge sort algorithm on each of the halves obtained in the previous step

  4. [combine] merge the two ordered lists returned by the previous step by using def merge(left_list, right_list) and return the result

Merge sort: description

Merge sort: description

Merge sort: description

Merge sort: description

Merge sort: description

Merge sort: description

Merge sort: description

Merge sort: description

Merge sort: description

Merge sort: description

Merge sort: ancillary operations

Floor division: <number_1> // </number_2>

It returns only the integer part of the result number discarding the fractional part

E.g.: 3 // 2 = 1, 6 // 2 = 3, 1 // 4 = 0

Create sublist:

Creates a new list containing all the elements in <list> that range from <start_position> to <end_position>-1

E.g., considering my_list = list(["a", "b", "c"]), my_list[0:1] returns list(["a"]), my_list[1:3] returns list(["b", "c"])

Merge sort: algorithm

def merge_sort(input_list):
    input_list_len = len(input_list)

    if input_list_len <= 1:
        return input_list
        mid = input_list_len // 2

        left = merge_sort(input_list[0:mid])
        right = merge_sort(input_list[mid:input_list_len])

        return merge(left, right)

END Divide and conquer algorithms