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He is a cognitive scientist
Research on self-reference: situations where something refers to itself
Author of Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid where he investigated in depth the concept of self-reference
In 1980, he was awarded of the Pulitzer's for that book
One of the main book themes: concept of intelligence (including artificial intelligence)
Achilles and the Tortoise's adventures in entering in the inconsistent composite world depicted by Escher's Convex and Concave
Entering into and exiting from a world via the pushing-potion and popping-tonic respectively
Achilles and the Tortoise narrate (or are part of) a lot of stories, which include citations and references as well as self-citations and self-references
Achilles uses of a magic lamp and evokes a genie
First wish: to have one hundred of wishes instead of the usual three
Genie: not possible for him, it's a meta-wish (i.e. a wish of a wish). It uses its meta-lamp to ekove the meta-genie asking for the same meta-wish
Meta-genie: not possible for him, it's a meta-meta-wish (i.e. a wish of a wish of a wish). It uses its meta-meta-lamp to ekove the meta-meta-genie
Positive answer: Achilles is granted with the permission
Achilles wishes that his wish would not be granted
Achilles' wish concerns the denial of the wish it self, which results in a paradox by means of a self-reference
Other notable examples of self-references:
Natural language:this sentence is false
Graphical language:
Escher's Drawing hands
We have a recursion when something is defined in terms of itself or of its type – i.e. when its definition contains a self-reference
Do we use it in our daily life?
Linguistics: recursive rules in formal grammars
<boolean_expression> ::= "(" "not" <boolean_expression> ")"
<boolean_expression> ::= "(" <boolean_expression> "or" <boolean_expression> ")"
<boolean_expression> ::= "(" <boolean_expression> "and" <boolean_expression> ")"
<boolean_expression> ::= "True"
<boolean_expression> ::= "False"
Chomsky argued that recusion is essential in human language: Alice thinks Bob said Christine read books
It is an alternative to the iteration (i.e. foreach and while loops)
It is often used when a solution to a particular computational problem depends on the partial solutions of smaller instances of the same problem
Computer Scientists tame recursion to avoid infinite loops:
one or more base cases, which describe the terminating scenarios
one or more recursion steps, where the algorithm is run gain with a reduced input
def <function>(<param_1>, <param_2>, ...):
if <base_case_condition>: # BASIC CASE
# do something and then…
# return the basic value
return <value>
# do something and then…
# execute the recursive call using different input
result = <function>(<param_a>, <param_b>, ...)
# the result of the recursive call is combined
# somehow with other information, and then…
# return the result of the execution of the recursive step
return <value>
def run_forever_recursive():
The run_forever
algorithm implemented by means of a recursion step – with no base cases
Computational problem: multiply two non-negative integers
E.g.: 3 * 4 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3
n1 * n2 = n1 + (n1 * (n2 - 1))
3 * 4 = 3 + (3 * (4 - 1)) = 3 + (3 + (3 * (4 - 2))) = 3 + (3 + (3 + (3 * (4 - 3)))) = 3 + (3 + (3 + (3 + (3 * (4 - 4))))) = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 0 = 12
def multiplication(int_1, int_2):
if int_2 == 0:
return 0
return int_1 + multiplication(int_1, int_2 - 1)