
Communication 1

Video of previous lectures:

  1. Introduction to the course (alternative link)

  2. Introduction to Computational Thinking (alternative link)

  3. Algorithms (alternative link)

  4. Laboratory 1 (alternative link)

  5. Computability (alternative link)

  6. Programming languages (alternative link)

  7. Organising information - ordered structures (alternative link)

  8. Laboratory 2 (alternative link)

  9. Brute-force algorithms (alternative link)

  10. Laboratory 3 (alternative link)

  11. Organising information - unordered structures (alternative link)

Any question about the previous lecture?

Historic hero: Douglas Hofstadter

He is a cognitive scientist

Research on self-reference: situations where something refers to itself

Author of Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid where he investigated in depth the concept of self-reference

In 1980, he was awarded of the Pulitzer's for that book

One of the main book themes: concept of intelligence (including artificial intelligence)

Little Harmonic Labyrinth

Achilles and the Tortoise's adventures in entering in the inconsistent composite world depicted by Escher's Convex and Concave

Entering into and exiting from a world via the pushing-potion and popping-tonic respectively

Achilles and the Tortoise narrate (or are part of) a lot of stories, which include citations and references as well as self-citations and self-references

The genies and the lamps

Achilles uses of a magic lamp and evokes a genie

First wish: to have one hundred of wishes instead of the usual three

Genie: not possible for him, it's a meta-wish (i.e. a wish of a wish). It uses its meta-lamp to ekove the meta-genie asking for the same meta-wish

Meta-genie: not possible for him, it's a meta-meta-wish (i.e. a wish of a wish of a wish). It uses its meta-meta-lamp to ekove the meta-meta-genie


Positive answer: Achilles is granted with the permission

Achilles wishes that his wish would not be granted

Self-references for paradoxes

Achilles' wish concerns the denial of the wish it self, which results in a paradox by means of a self-reference

Other notable examples of self-references:

  • Natural language:
    this sentence is false

  • Graphical language:
    Escher's Drawing hands


We have a recursion when something is defined in terms of itself or of its type – i.e. when its definition contains a self-reference

Do we use it in our daily life?

Linguistics: recursive rules in formal grammars

<boolean_expression> ::= "(" "not" ​<boolean_expression> ")"
<boolean_expression> ::= "(" <boolean_expression> "or" <boolean_expression> ")"
<boolean_expression> ::= "(" <boolean_expression> "and" <boolean_expression> ")"
<boolean_expression> ::= "True"
<boolean_expression> ::= "False"

Chomsky argued that recusion is essential in human language: Alice thinks Bob said Christine read books

Mirrors and sounds

Recursion in Computer Science

It is an alternative to the iteration (i.e. foreach and while loops)

It is often used when a solution to a particular computational problem depends on the partial solutions of smaller instances of the same problem

Computer Scientists tame recursion to avoid infinite loops:

  1. one or more base cases, which describe the terminating scenarios

  2. one or more recursion steps, where the algorithm is run gain with a reduced input

A template for recursion

def <function>(<param_1>, <param_2>, ...):
    if <base_case_condition>:  # BASIC CASE
        # do something and then… 

        # return the basic value
        return <value>
    else:  # RECURSIVE STEP
        # do something and then… 
        # execute the recursive call using different input
        result = <function>(<param_a>, <param_b>, ...)
        # the result of the recursive call is combined 
        # somehow with other information, and then… 
        # return the result of the execution of the recursive step
        return <value>

What could possibly go wrong?

def run_forever_recursive():

The run_forever algorithm implemented by means of a recursion step – with no base cases

Recursive algorithm: an example

Computational problem: multiply two non-negative integers

E.g.: 3 * 4 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3

n1 * n2 = n1 + (n1 * (n2 - 1))

3 * 4 =
3 + (3 * (4 - 1)) =
3 + (3 + (3 * (4 - 2))) =
3 + (3 + (3 + (3 * (4 - 3)))) =
3 + (3 + (3 + (3 + (3 * (4 - 4))))) =
3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 0 =

Multiplication: the algorithm

def multiplication(int_1, int_2):
    if int_2 == 0:
        return 0
        return int_1 + multiplication(int_1, int_2 - 1)

END Recursion