Video of previous lectures:
The text of past written examinations are available at the URL of the course held in the previous academic years
For instance, all the texts and keys of the written examinations in a.y. 2020/2021 are available at:
A non-mandatory workshop will be held on 21 December, from 9:30-12:30 in Aula Affreschi (and remotely, in case you are not able to attend in person)
If you attend in person: bring your computer
If you attend remotely: webcam on for the entire duration
You have to organise in groups of 3-4 people (link to register your group will follow on Signal)
I will provide online rooms for your internal discussions, if needed
The task to address will be presented the day of the workshop
Max. score: 4 (in addition to 32 points you can take with the written examination)
It is an artificial intelligence developed by Google DeepMind for playing to Go
Before 2015: several software have been developed to play to Go automatically, but all of them showed their limits when tested with human expert players of the game - in fact, no Go software was able to beat a human master
In 2015: Google declared to have developed the best artificial intelligence for playing to Go, and asked to test it in international matches against the strongest Go players
Match in October 2015, best of five games
Fan Hui was the champion of the European Go Championship in 2013, 2014 and 2015 (professional 2 dan player)
Result: 5 - 0
Match in March 2016, best of five games
In 2016, Lee Sedol was ranked second in international titles (professional 9 dan player, max rank)
Result: 4 - 1
Match in May 2017, best of three games
In 2017, Ke Jie was ranked number one in the world (professional 9 dan player, max rank)
Result: 3 - 0
Match in October 2017, best of one hundred games
AlphaGo Zero has been trained without using any existing human knowledge – i.e. the matches between human champions that have been archived in the past, that have been actually used for training AlphaGo
Result: 100 - 0
Algorithms for finding a solution to abstract strategy board games are based on a tree (node = possible move)
Backtracking algorithms find a solution by identifying possible candidates incrementally, and abandons partial candidates if they won't provide a solution
[leaf-win] if current node is a leaf and it is a solution then return it, otherwise
[leaf-lose] if current node is a leaf but it is not a solution, then return no solution back the parent node, otherwise
[recursive-step] apply recursively the whole approach for each child of the current node, until one of these recursive executions returns a solution - if no solution, return no solution back the parent node
It is a board game for one person only which involves the movement of some pegs on board containing holes
Starting situation: the entire board is filled up with pegs except the central position which is empty
Goal: whole board is full of holes except the central position which must contain a peg
Valid move: moving orthogonally a peg over an adjacent peg into a hole two position away, removing the jumped peg from the board
Computational problem: find a sequence of moves that allows one to solve the peg solitaire
[leaf-win] if last move brought to only one peg in the board in central position, then a solution has been found and return it, otherwise
[leaf-lose] if last move brought to a situation where no additional moves are possible, then recreate previous status of the board and return no solutions, otherwise
[recursive-step] apply recursively the algorithm for each possible valid move executable according to the current status of the board, until one of these recursive executions of the algorithm returns a solution – if none of them provide a solution, recreate the previous status of the board and return no solutions
This board is the smallest square board on which the complement problem can be solved
Complement problem: obtaining the complement of a given an initial configuration of a board by replacing every peg by a hole and vice versa
(1,0) (4,0) (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (4,1) (5,1) (1,2) (4,2) (1,3) (4,3) (0,4) (1,4) (2,4) (3,4) (4,4) (5,4) (1,5) (4,5)
Two sets of tuples:
: the set of the positions occupied by pegs - starting situation: all position but (5,1)
: the set of the positions with no pegs - starting situation: only (5,1)
def valid_moves(pegs, holes)
: it returns a list of tree nodes, where each node represent a possible move that one can execute according to the current status of the board (defined by the two input sets pegs
and holes
def apply_move(node, pegs, holes)
: execute the move defined by the input node, and change the status of the board accordingly
def undo_move(node, pegs, holes)
: undo the move defined by the input node, and change the status of the board accordingly
def solve(pegs, holes, last_move):
result = None
if len(pegs) == 1 and (5, 1) in pegs: # leaf-win base case
result = last_move
last_move.children = valid_moves(pegs, holes)
if len(last_move.children) == 0: # leaf-lose base case
undo_move(last_move, pegs, holes) # backtracking
else: # recursive step
possible_moves = deque(last_move.children)
while result is None and len(possible_moves) > 0:
current_move = possible_moves.pop()
apply_move(current_move, pegs, holes)
result = solve(pegs, holes, current_move)
if result is None:
undo_move(last_move, pegs, holes) # backtracking
return result
First execution:solve(initial_pegs, initial_holes, Node("start"))