The CTP Book

A book for teaching Computational Thinking and Programming skills to people with a background in the Humanities

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Development - Intermediate, exercise 5


Write the body of the Python function def do_it(queue, number) that takes a queue and a number in input, and returns None if number is higher than the number of items in queue, otherwise it removes the first number items from queue and then returns queue.


from collections import deque

# Test case for the function
def test_do_it(queue, number, expected):
    result = do_it(queue, number)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

# Code of the function
def do_it(queue, number):
    if number <= len(queue):
        for i in range(number):
        return queue

# Tests
print(test_do_it(deque(["a", "b"]), 3, None))
print(test_do_it(deque(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]), 3, deque(["d", "e"])))

Additional material

The runnable Python file is available online.