The CTP Book

A book for teaching Computational Thinking and Programming skills to people with a background in the Humanities

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Understanding - Advanced, exercise 36


The variable my_five_chars contains the string of the first five characters of a surname. What is the value returned by calling the function do as shown as follows: do(my_five_chars).

def do(five_chars):
    idx = 0

    alphabeth = list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
    for c in five_chars:
        if c in alphabeth:
            idx += alphabeth.index(c)
            idx -= 1
    result = set()
    idx = idx % 5
    for i in range(idx):
    return result


The function do is an iterative function that, first, compute an index using the English alphabeth, and then creates the result using such an index combined with the input.

Additional material

The runnable Python file is available online. You can run it executing the command python in a shell, and then following the instructions on screen to specify the intended input.