The CTP Book

A book for teaching Computational Thinking and Programming skills to people with a background in the Humanities

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Chapter “Organising information: trees”, exercise 1


Write in Python a recursive function def breadth_first_visit(root_node). This function takes the root node of a tree and returns a list containing all the nodes of the tree according to a breadth-first order. The breadth-first order considers all the nodes of the first level, then those ones of the second level, and so forth. For instance, considering the nodes created in Listing 2, the function called on the node book should return the following list: [book, chapter_1, chapter_2, text_8, paragraph_1, paragraph_2, paragraph_3, text_7, text_1, quotation_1, text_3, quotation_2, text_5, text_6, text_2, text_4]. Accompany the implementation of the function with the appropriate test cases.


from anytree import Node
from collections import deque

# Test case for the function
def test_breadth_first_visit(root_node, expected):
    result = breadth_first_visit(root_node)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

# Code of the function
def breadth_first_visit(root_node):
    result = list()

    if len(root_node.ancestors) == 0:  # It is the first call
        root_node.parent = Node(deque())

    queue =

    if len(queue) > 0:
        root_node.root.children = ()

    return result

# Tests
book = Node("book")
chapter_1 = Node("chapter1", book)
chapter_2 = Node("chapter2", book)
paragraph_1 = Node("paragraph1", chapter_1)
text_1 = Node("text1", paragraph_1)
quotation_1 = Node("quotation1", paragraph_1)
text_2 = Node("text2", quotation_1)
text_3 = Node("text3", paragraph_1)
quotation_2 = Node("quotation2", paragraph_1)
text_4 = Node("text4", quotation_2)
paragraph_2 = Node("paragraph2", chapter_1)
text_5 = Node("text5", paragraph_2)
paragraph_3 = Node("paragraph3", chapter_1)
text_6 = Node("text6", paragraph_3)
text_7 = Node("text7", chapter_2)
text_8 = Node("text8", book)
bfv = [book,
       chapter_1, chapter_2, text_8,
       paragraph_1, paragraph_2, paragraph_3, text_7,
       text_1, quotation_1, text_3, quotation_2, text_5, text_6,
       text_2, text_4]
print(test_breadth_first_visit(book, bfv))

Additional material

The runnable Python file is available online.