The CTP Book

A book for teaching Computational Thinking and Programming skills to people with a background in the Humanities

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Chapter “Greedy algorithms”, exercise 1


Implement the algorithm introduced in Section “Greedy algorithms” for returning the minimum amount of coins for a change. Accompany the implementation of the function with the appropriate test cases.


# Test case for the function
def test_return_change(amount, expected):
    result = return_change(amount)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

# Code of the function
def return_change(amount):
    result = dict()
    coins = [2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01]

    for coin in coins:
        while float_diff(amount, coin) >= 0:
            amount = float_diff(amount, coin)

            if coin not in result:
                result[coin] = 0
            result[coin] = result[coin] + 1

    return result

# The use of the 'round' function is justified due to the precision in the representation
# of floating point numbers, see
def float_diff(f1, f2):
    return round(f1 - f2, 2)

# Tests
print(test_return_change(5.00, {2.0: 2, 1.0: 1}))
print(test_return_change(2.76, {2.0: 1, 0.5: 1, 0.2: 1, 0.05: 1, 0.01: 1}))
print(test_return_change(0.00, {}))

Additional material

The runnable Python file is available online.