The CTP Book

A book for teaching Computational Thinking and Programming skills to people with a background in the Humanities

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Chapter “Greedy algorithm”, exercise 2


Suppose one has to address the maximum number of activities in a day choosing them from a set of available activities, considering that one cannot address more than one activity simultaneously. Each activity is defined by a tuple, where the first element defines the starting time (a value from 0 to 24, indicating the starting hour) while the second element defines the finish time (a value from 0 to 24, indicating the finish hour). Develop the Python function def select_activities(set_of_activities) by using a greedy approach. It takes in input a set of activities of a day and returns the list of the maximum number of non-overlapping activities one can address, ordered according to the starting time. Hint: think about the finish time of each activity and see how it may affect the selection. Accompany the implementation of the function with the appropriate test cases.


from collections import deque

# Test case for the function
def test_select_activities(set_of_activities, expected):
    result = select_activities(set_of_activities)
    if expected == len(result):
        bool_result = True
        for idx, activity in enumerate(result):
            if idx > 0:
                bool_result = bool_result and (activity[0] >= result[idx - 1][1])

        return bool_result
        return False

# Code of the function
def select_activities(set_of_activities):
    ordered_activities = deque()
    for activity in set_of_activities:
        insert_position = len(ordered_activities)
        for idx in reversed(range(insert_position)):
            if activity[1] < ordered_activities[idx][1]:
                insert_position = idx
        ordered_activities.insert(insert_position, activity)

    result = list()
    finish_time = 0
    while len(ordered_activities) > 0:
        activity = ordered_activities.popleft()
        if activity[0] >= finish_time:
            finish_time = activity[1]

    return result

# Tests
activities_1 = set()
activities_1.add((0, 3))
activities_1.add((4, 7))
activities_1.add((2, 12))
activities_1.add((7, 8))
activities_1.add((10, 13))
activities_1.add((12, 20))
activities_1.add((14, 17))
activities_1.add((16, 19))
activities_1.add((17, 24))
activities_1.add((21, 23))
print(test_select_activities(activities_1, 6))
print(test_select_activities(set(), 0))

Additional material

The runnable Python file is available online.