The CTP Book

A book for teaching Computational Thinking and Programming skills to people with a background in the Humanities

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Chapter “Brute-force algorithms”, exercise 1


Write down the execution steps of linear_search(list(["Coraline", "American Gods", "The Graveyard Book", "Good Omens", "Neverwhere"]), "The Sandman"), as explained in Listing 7.


The instructions in the for-each loop used in the function will be executed five times (i.e. for all the items in input_list), since no item will contain "The Sandman" as value. Thus, None will be returned.

The various iterations of the for-each loop will be as follows:

  1. The variable position will be set to 0, and the variable item will be set to "Coraline". The condition defined in the if statement will be False since "Coraline" is not equal to "The Sandman", which is the value to search assigned to the variable value_to_search. Thus, the return instruction under the if block will not be executed.
  2. The variable position will be set to 1, and the variable item will be set to "American Gods". The condition defined in the if statement will be False since "American Gods" is not equal to "The Sandman", which is the value to search assigned to the variable value_to_search. Thus, the return instruction under the if block will not be executed.
  3. The variable position will be set to 2, and the variable item will be set to "The Graveyard Book". The condition defined in the if statement will be False since "The Graveyard Book" is not equal to "The Sandman", which is the value to search assigned to the variable value_to_search. Thus, the return instruction under the if block will not be executed.
  4. The variable position will be set to 3, and the variable item will be set to "Good Omens". The condition defined in the if statement will be False since "Good Omens" is not equal to "The Sandman", which is the value to search assigned to the variable value_to_search. Thus, the return instruction under the if block will not be executed.
  5. The variable position will be set to 4, and the variable item will be set to "Neverwhere". The condition defined in the if statement will be False since "Neverwhere" is not equal to "The Sandman", which is the value to search assigned to the variable value_to_search. Thus, the return instruction under the if block will not be executed.

Since no return instruction will be executed, None will be implicitly returned by the function.